I took Sukkat David's Tikkun Nefesh (HEALING GROUPS) training.
We're in a small group and I immediately appreciated the closeness, intimacy and confidentiality.
It's as if we were exactly where we were meant to be, with the people we were meant to be associated with.
At first I was skeptical, it showed an ego problem (I thought I was humble) and a wound that I thought I needed to ignore "pretending" when it had a real impact on "my states of mind" 😅.
In short, the training enabled me to understand quite a lot about myself, and to be lighter in my emotions, which tended to be in fits and starts.
I haven't become "perfect", Orah doesn't lie to us and isn't a magician as some people would have us believe after repeated so-called soul cures and young people.
What I did appreciate was that she made us aware of our responsibilities and gave us precise tools in line with Hashem's word, which helps us to work every day to repair our souls.
Finally, the support and benevolence of the group is a real comfort.
Everyone contributed to each other, and it was soothing to meet up for each class with the same determination.
Thank you Orah