The anchoring of the "klipots" in our lives is sometimes more deeply buried than we think. This is my second participation in the "Soul Restoration" group, and I seriously needed it.
The work of soul restoration never stops! But it's essential! These courses have made me realize just how much I've let myself be seduced by the lies that are everywhere in our society, including in our churches! You don't realize how far you are from Hashem until you work on your ego and give it all the space it needs!
Combined with the courses on "Tikkun Hanefesh", this purification of my inner being led me to understand that I'm part of a whole, coherent, effective, unique and holy, to understand that the evil I've experienced is necessary to bring me to the Good. It's reconciliation with the Lord! The tikun!
In fact, the Yeshiva provides the support we all need. I've realized that I've only glimpsed parts of the Word and that the most important work is still ahead of me. It brings me back to humility.
This ALL, this ONE, unique and essential to Life because He is LIFE, is YHVH through Yeshua.
In fact, each and every one of us is a tiny part of Him, a small flame that shines in the midst of the ALL that burns within us. All our flames, united in Him, for Him and with Him, represent the devouring fire that will fill the earth in John's apocalypse. For the Word will be spread over the whole earth, and Yeshua will be recognized as the Messiah Savior and Redeemer, first by the Jews and then by the "Gentiles".
The goal towards which we are all running today is the restoration of the World (the Tikun Olam) as G-d created it in gan Eden. So, as Paul wrote, "Let's run towards the goal" without looking back, and let's put all our efforts into winning the race!