Shalom, my little testimony to share these group healing sessions have helped me a lot in my understanding of God's Love for me.
Listening to the testimonies of the people in the group also helps me to understand certain situations in my life. As for me, it's true that it was easy for me to see our God's love for the world, but understanding that God also loves us personally was not easy to grasp.
So I would look for his love in many things in this world and also in people, and at the same time not love myself. But thanks to his inner healing sessions, I was able to understand this, and that's when I realized the love God had for me.
Since then, light has been gradually coming into my life; it's really a work between us (personally) and God. And these sessions are important tools to help us. I'm not saying I've grasped everything about his love, but a work has begun with God, a healing, a repair, a change.
Thank you Orah and thank you to each of you for your testimonies.